Complaints Procedure

Scope, purpose and definitions

In this complaints policy, Complaint means any expression of dissatisfaction concerning how a request for services has been dealt with, the quality of services rendered or the fees and/or costs invoiced, other than a complaint within the meaning of Article 4 of the Dutch Attorneys Act (Advocatenwet).

This complaints policy applies to all services provided by Hoesseinzada Legal Services. Hoesseinzada Legal Services will respond to all Complaints in accordance with this policy. Complaints will be handled by mr. A. Hoesseinzada (the Complaints Officer).

The purpose of this policy is to:

  1. establish a procedure for determining the cause of a Complaint;
  2. establish a procedure for effectively dealing with a Complaint within a reasonable period of time;
  3. retention and improvement of existing relationships with clients; and
  4. improve the quality of services offered by Hoesseinzada Legal Services.


Complaints must be submitted by e-mail with Hoesseinzada Legal Services, containing, at least, your name and address and the description of your complaint. You will receive a confirmation of the submission of your complaint.

The Complaints Officer will then seek to find a solution. In any case, the Complaints Officer will handle the Complaint carefully and confidentially. The Complaints Officer will seek to respond to your Complaint within four weeks after submission. If the Complaints Officer requires more time to handle the Complaint, he will inform you about this and propose a new deadline.

The response will be shared by letter and will, at least, include the Complaints Officer’s view on the Complaint and his recommendations for possible solutions. If the Complaint has been dealt with to your satisfaction, you and the Complaints Officer will sign the letter. If the Complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can submit your complaint with the competent court in Gelderland (location: Arnhem).

No handling fees and registration of Complaints

Complaints will be handled free of charge. Hoesseinzada Legal Services is not liable for the costs made by you to submit your Complaint. Complaints will be registered for a period of five (5) years.