
Demonstrated experience in a magic cirle firm and a boutique law firm.

Financial services regulation

experience includes

  • Interpretation and application of financial regulations in general (e.g. MiFID/MiFIR, AIFMD, UCITS, AMLD, IDD, MiCAR, Wft, Wwft, Sw). 
  • Requirements relating to good governance, sound business operations, compliance, transparency and market entrance.
  • Regulatory approvals, permits and licences.
  • Regulatory workstreams of M&A-transactions, including due diligence, structuring and clearances (declarations of no-objection & fit and proper testing).

Litigation & investigations

experience includes

  • Complex commerial disputes (class actions, contractual disputes, banking litigation, restructurings).
  • (Intended) enforcement measures by supervisory authorities.
  • Investigations relating to (possible) breaches of regulations.